Once upon… a cup of coffee

Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time…..there was a woman, mature in years but strong in body and fair of heart.
She lived nestled in a cozy cottage with a view of an expanse of green, with great tall trees and the sound of laughing children.
Each day upon arising, she brewed a dark and strong elixir, magic in it’s power to give her strength and power for her day. Without this elixir, her morning was thick with fog and her body slow to move.
She especially loved waking on the first day of the week as her love, himself mature in years and strong of body, would brew this elixir for her and bring it to her bedchamber.
There they would speak of adventures ahead, some great and some small.
Though this may seem but a small gesture to those reading of this, it was, in fact, a great and noble gesture touching the woman’s heart beyond words.

Gift #779: The golden light on the water at Standing Bear Lake


“…. seeing our Father in everything makes life one long thanksgiving and gives a rest of heart, and, more than that, a gayety of spirit, that is unspeakable.”
Hannah Whitall Smith

Jesus’s word from John 10:10
….”I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”